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Dr Miraji Mohamed

Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Miraji Mohamed works as postdoctoral researcher at the Cyber Threats Research Centre (CYTREC) of Swansea University. She is an interdisciplinary researcher who works at the intersection of conflict analysis, peace studies and youth studies. In particular, the conceptualisations of ‘radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’ and the impact they have on the Youth, Peace and Security agenda.

She did her PhD at Dublin City University. Her doctoral research explored emerging discourses of ‘radicalisation’ with the aim to understand how policy makers, civil society and the media negotiate how security threats are understood. Her publications have appeared in the Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Peace and Conflict Studies and the Media, War & Conflict Journal.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Extremism and the New Media
  • Gender and Extremism
  • Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Content Analysis
  • Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism
  • Radicalisation
  • Youth, Peace and Security
  • Media Representations of Gender

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests
  • Gender and Extremism
  • Violence, Conflict and Development
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Youth, Peace and Security
  • Media Representations of Gender
Award Highlights