Swansea University Bay Campus
Denis Dennehy profile photo

Dr Denis Dennehy

Associate Professor, Business

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 987273

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Office 326 - 326
Third Floor
School of Management
Bay Campus


Denis Dennehy (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor of Business Analytics (Research) and School Research Lead in the School of Management, Swansea University. His research primarily focuses on the mediating role of information systems (IS) and analytics, and its implications for individuals, teams, organisations, and society. This research has been published in premier IS conferences (ICIS, ECIS) and leading international journals including Information & Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Business Research, Government Information Quarterly, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, European Journal of Operational Research, and IEEE.

He is co-editor-in-chief of Communications of the Association for Information Systems, and senior editor of Information Technology and People. He has chaired international conferences (e.g., IEEE ISTAS23, MENACIS22, IFIP | I3E2021) and edited special issues related to his field including Information Systems Frontiers, IT & People, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, International Journal of Information Management, and International Journal of Production Economics. 

He has worked on industry focused research projects funded by UKRI, MASI, Erasmus+, Science Foundation Ireland, Irish Aid, and Enterprise Ireland.  

Previously he worked at University of Galway as a funded investigator at the Lero | Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for and director of the MSc (Business Analytics) programme that received the inaugural Dean's Award for Inclusive Teaching (Team Award) in 2019 and it was ranked No. 1 (Value for Money) by QS rankings in 2020. Denis was a recipient of the 2021 'Teaching Hero' award; a national award that recognises nominees for being innovative or inspiring teachers. He holds postgraduate diplomas in teaching practice (University of Galway), and guidance and counselling (University College Cork).  

He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), and Senior Member with IEEE. He obtained degrees (Ph.D., B. Comm, MSc.) in information systems at University College Cork.   

Areas Of Expertise

  • Emerging technologies for Business and Societal Value; AI and Big Data Analytics
  • Business Information Systems
  • Information Systems Development Methodologies
  • Contemporary Project Management
  • Research Methodologies - Qualitative Research & Design Science

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Denis Dennehy has designed, delivered, and assessed IS related modules at undergraduate, postgraduate, and executive education level. Topics include IS strategy and innovation, project and portfolio management, business value of emerging technologies, digital transformation, design thinking, supply chain management, IS for sustainable development, and research methods.



Award Highlights Collaborations