For those with a more competitive edge who don’t want to commit to a club, our Social Leagues programme provides a regular, structured league format for all, covering a number of different sports.
Sport Swansea’s Social Leagues programme provides a fun, regular and structured league format across many different sports. We have a range of leagues available on a weekly basis, and fun, competitive tournaments, festivals, and events that run throughout the year.
Our leagues offer students and staff the opportunity to play competitive sport either on or close to the University campus in an organised, friendly, and affordable environment that is open to all ability levels. Our social leagues are a great way to meet new and existing friends with options to join as an individual or as a group.
Check out what we have to offer below.
Social Leagues: Weekly Timetable
Our Social Leagues offer a weekly timetable for fun and friendly social compeitions. Check out our timetable below for all our Social League sessions:
Football 5-a-side - 19:00-22:00 (SBSP Bay MUGAS)
Football 6-a-side – 17:30-20:00 (SBSP Singleton 3G)
Football 5-a-side - 19:00-22:00 (SBSP Bay MUGAS)
Football 11-a-side - 13:00-16:30 (Fairwood/Underhill)
Football 9-a-side - 19:00-22:00 (SBSP Bay MUGAS)
Football 8-a-side – 17:00-19:00 (SBSP Singleton 3G)
Football 5-a-side - 19:00-22:00 (SBSP Bay MUGAS)
Football 5-a-side - 12:00-15:00 (SBSP Bay MUGAS)
Rugby Union - 12:00-14:00 (SBSP Singleton Grass Pitch)
*SBSP - Swansea Bay Sports Park