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The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol has recruited four student ambassadors at Swansea University who will work to encourage more prospective students to study part of their degree courses through Welsh.
The ambassadors are among 23 ambassadors located at six universities across Wales.
Alpha Danielle Evans, Lauren Bagnall, Sophie Ann Marie Williams and Maisie Efa Edwards will start their work this month and be responsible for completing various tasks throughout 2020.
Their main role as ambassadors will be to persuade school pupils and further education colleges to follow part of their studies through the medium of Welsh and champion the advantages this brings.
They will represent the Coleg Cymraeg at school visits, UCAS fairs and Eisteddfodau as well as record their experiences in an online blog and on various social media platforms.
On behalf of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Elin Williams said: “We’re extremely excited to be able to announce the appointment of 23 new ambassadors from the higher education sector for 2020. Having a group of young and enthusiastic people working with us to promote Welsh medium study opportunities is a huge help in terms of projecting a positive image of the importance of studying through the medium of Welsh.
“There is a wide range of subjects available through the medium of Welsh in our universities by now and it will be the ambassadors’ role to explain the advantages of studying through the medium of Welsh.”
Dr Gwenno Ffrancon, Director of Academi Hywel Teifi at Swansea University, said: "Swansea University is delighted that four of our students have been selected as ambassadors for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for 2020. Over the years Swansea University students have made a valuable contribution to promoting Welsh-medium education in schools and further education colleges, and have been special role models for prospective Welsh speaking students.
“I'm sure the four - Maisie, Alpha, Sophie Ann and Lauren - will carry out excellent work on behalf of the College, and will benefit immensely from the excellent opportunities that their roles as ambassadors bring."
Pictured above: Maisie Efa Edwards, Lauren Bagnall, Sophie Ann Marie Williams and Alpha Danielle Evans.