- Description
This part-time Professional Doctorate in Criminology and Criminal Justice is aimed at professionals to increase the professional learning and research expertise of professionals currently in practice.
The programme will build on industry links across the School and support the development of future leaders in their professions.
You will be given the opportunity to study a programme that will not only integrate interdisciplinary knowledge and experiential learning with subject specific knowledge but will be both research-led and based (where applicable) in your own practice area.
The programme will fulfil the requirements for doctoral awards, in that you will undertake a substantial original research project and engage in scholarship of a quality which would satisfy peer review.
- Topics Likely To Be Covered
There will be two distinct stages delivered at FHEQ Level 8.
Stage One – Taught element – Years 1-3
This will comprise four methodologically focussed modules of 30 credits, in addition to one module of 60 credits along with specialist skills training sessions. These modules and sessions will be taught via a series of eight weekend schools on a face-to-face and blended approach.
The year three module will act as a bridge between the taught element of the course and the final research project. It will focus on the production of mandate for the final research project in the form of a scoping study, pilot study or detailed research proposal. It will be independently produced by the student, supported by a tutor nominated by the Programme Director.
Stage Two – Research elements – Years 4-6
After successful completion of Stage one, you will move to the research stage, during which you will undertake original research, to be presented and defended during a viva voce examination, as with other doctoral programmes.
The research stage will culminate in the production of a thesis of 50,000 – 60,000 words. Whilst work on the thesis will only begin on completion of taught modules, support will be available for early discussions with dissertation supervisors who will also be the academic mentors throughout the programme.
- Intended Start Date
- 24/25 - 25/26
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