9 Hydref 2024Bydd partneriaeth ryngwladol bwysig yn ysgogi arloesi data iechyd byd-eang
Bydd Prifysgol Abertawe'n chwarae rhan allweddol mewn partneriaeth newydd ym maes gofal iechyd a gwyddor data rhwng y DU a Singapore.
9 Hydref 2024Ultra-processed foods: we have the technology to turn them from foe into friendUltra-processed foods have been blamed for rising obesity and poor health. But with advances in food science, could they become part of the solution to modern nutritional challenges?
7 Hydref 2024We’ve worked out a way of understanding how microbial communities shape life on EarthMicrobial communities are essential to life, yet their complexity has long puzzled scientists. Now, a new framework aims to unravel how these intricate ecosystems form.