Metabolism and Homeostasis
The module will provide the student with a broad overview of dietary requirements, digestion processes and associated anatomy, nutrient uptake and energetic metabolism processes within the human body. The catabolism of biomolecules for energy production will be covered and the role of the kidney in removal of by-products. The role of neuronal and hormonal systems in homeostatic control of the body will also be elaborated.
Introduction to Molecular Biology
This module will provide the learner with an introduction to molecular biology, classification of species and its
applications in medical science. The concept of evolution and sexual reproduction and development will also be
covered, and the processes of inheritance and genetic variation, particularly with regard to evolution and natural
selection. This module will be supported by a practical session and essay with academic support on a topic
relevant to the medical applications of molecular biology.
Foundation Skills Development 2
The module will provide the student with a diversity of laboratory and scientific skills in relation to the undertaking of undergraduate practical sessions in a safe manner and develop skills including molarity calculations, biological extractions, basic chromatography, an introduction into anatomical dissection and physiology.
This module will help to discover the anatomy of the human body in a systems based approach (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculo-skeletal, respiratory and nervous systems). Anatomy is a fundamental science and supports many areas of biology and medicine. As such, the topics chosen for this module are those most useful to other areas of biological science, with clinical significance. This module will be delivered through lectures and practical classes with demonstrators leading practical and self-studying activities. Support materials and laboratory space for self-directed learning, including prosections, plastic anatomical models, bones and skeletons, and computer based anatomical models will be available.
Foundations of Community Medicine
Communities now play a key role in improving and sustaining good health and the delivery of care. This has led to the development of a new field within medical education and practice called Community Medicine. Community Medicine is often considered synonymous with Preventative and Social Medicine (PSM), Public Health, and Community Health because of a shared concern with the prevention of disease and promotion of health and wellbeing. This module introduces students to the wide range of approaches encompassed within Community Medicine. These include preventative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative approaches aimed at improving population health through community-based health and care.
Human Physiology
Human physiology is the study of how our body works in an integrated way. A central principle of human physiology is homeostasis, the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment. Failure to maintain homeostasis disrupts normal function that may lead to disease (or pathophysiology). Students will be taught the key concepts of homeostasis in the physiological systems of the body, enabling the student to understand the consequences of pathophysiology to human health.
Emphasis will be given to how malfunction of key physiological systems gives rise to disease, using specific examples to enable students to appreciate the relationship between physiology/anatomy and medicine. Fundamental principles of physiology will be illustrated with appropriate clinical examples and during lectures and in practical assignments.
Students will gain practical experience in assessing physiological function during four laboratory-based exercises. The impact of pathophysiology of such systems will be assessed through clinical case studies.
Ffisioleg Ddynol
Ffisioleg Ddynol yw astudio sut mae ein cyrff yn gweithio mewn ffordd integredig. Egwyddor sydd wrth wraidd ffisioleg ddynol yw homeostasis, sef cynnal amgylchedd mewnol cymharol sefydlog. Os na chynhelir homeostasis, bydd yn amharu ar swyddogaeth arferol a allai arwain at glefyd (neu bathoffisioleg). Caiff myfyrwyr eu haddysgu am gysyniadau allweddol homeostasis yn systemau ffisiolegol y corff, gan alluogi'r myfyriwr i ddeall canlyniadau pathoffisioleg i iechyd pobl.Rhoddir pwyslais ar y ffordd y mae methiannau systemau ffisiolegol allweddol yn arwain at glefyd, gan ddefnyddio enghreifftiau penodol i alluogi myfyrwyr i werthfawrogi'r berthynas rhwng ffisioleg/anatomeg a meddygaeth.Caiff egwyddorion sylfaenol ffisioleg eu hesbonio ag enghreifftiau clinigol priodol ac yn ystod darlithoedd ac mewn aseiniadau ymarferol.Bydd myfyrwyr yn cael profiad ymarferol o asesu swyddogaeth ffisiolegol yn ystod pedwar ymarfer yn y labordy. Asesir effaith pathoffisioleg mewn systemau o'r fath drwy astudiaethau achos clinigol.
Doctors, patients & the goals of medicine
The educational intention of the module is to allow the student to consider the contemporary practice of Medicine within the United Kingdom. This will include understanding the professional regulation, financial constraints and societal and personal challenges, within which medicine and other healthcare activities are practiced.
Communicating Medical Sciences
¿Nothing in science has any value if it is not communicated¿ (Anne Roe, 1904-1991). An important aspect of the role of scientists concerns the communication of complex scientific ideas and research to both scientist and non-scientist audiences. This module will build upon and explore methods of science communication, including journal papers, abstracts, podcasts (digital audio files), and posters. Students will also be introduced to science communication methods for non-scientist audiences, including public events and health campaigns. Students will be required to write and deliver a journal club podcast, and design an evidence-based public health awareness campaign.
Cyfathrebu ym Maes y Gwyddorau Meddygol
¿Nothing in science has any value if it is not communicated¿ (Anne Roe, 1904-1991). Mae agwedd bwysig ar rôl gwyddonwyr yn ymwneud â chyfleu ymchwil a syniadau gwyddonol cymhleth i gynulleidfaoedd sy'n cynnwys gwyddonwyr a rhai nad ydynt yn wyddonwyr. Bydd y modiwl hwn yn adeiladu ar ddulliau cyfathrebu gwyddonol, gan gynnwys papurau cyfnodolion, crynodebau, podlediadau (ffeiliau sain digidol) a phosteri, ac yn archwilio'r rheini. Bydd myfyrwyr hefyd yn cael eu cyflwyno i ddulliau cyfathrebu gwyddoniaeth ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd nad ydynt yn wyddonwyr, gan gynnwys digwyddiadau cyhoeddus ac ymgyrchoedd iechyd. Bydd gofyn i fyfyrwyr ysgrifennu a chyflwyno podlediad clwb cyfnodolion, a dylunio ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth iechyd y cyhoedd ar sail tystiolaeth.
Capstone Project
The aim of this module is to provide a capstone experience to students¿ learning, through participating in their own enquiry-based research project, with guidance from an academic supervisor. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature, and focused on a topic relevant to the life sciences. It will ask a research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to a graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation on their research findings and conclusions.
Reproductive Biology and Medicine
This module is designed to provide students with knowledge of the biochemistry, physiology and pathology of human pregnancy, fetal development, parturition and menopause. Particular focus will be given to fertility treatments and pharmacological interventions of menopause. Lectures will cover a recap of endocrinology of reproduction, and provide details of assisted reproductive technologies. Lectures will be supported by case studies which include current clinical approaches used to treat infertility (both male and female) and menopause.
Cancer Pharmacology
Cancer remains a significant cause of mortality in the modern world. Current and emerging chemotherapies, and the rationale, experimental, and clinical evidence of the pathways or molecules targeted will be explored. Causes of treatment-related side effects, and the therapies used to address these, will be discussed along with the mechanisms that lead to anti-cancer drug resistance.
Teaching Science
This module is for students with an interest in teaching, science communication, and medicine. Students will complete an enquiry-based research project, based within the field of pedagogy or science communication, with guidance from an academic supervisor. Projects may be completed in collaboration with local schools/colleges, community groups, science outreach programmes (e.g. Oriel Science), in clinical/patient settings, or within Higher Education. Students will engage with workshops and digital resources to introduce various themes surrounding pedagogy and science communication to prepare them for their research project. Students will be required to critically analyse their research findings and produce a teaching or outreach activity/resource. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation.
Addysgu Gwyddoniaeth
Mae'r modiwl hwn ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd â diddordeb mewn addysgu, cyfleu gwyddoniaeth a meddygaeth. Bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau prosiect ymchwil sy'n seiliedig ar ymholiadau, ym maes addysgeg neu gyfleu gwyddoniaeth, o dan arweiniad goruchwyliwr academaidd. Gellir cwblhau prosiectau mewn cydweithrediad ag ysgolion/colegau lleol, grwpiau cymunedol, rhaglenni allgymorth gwyddoniaeth (e.e. Oriel Science), mewn lleoliadau clinigol/cleifion neu ym myd Addysg Uwch. Bydd myfyrwyr yn ymgysylltu â gweithdai ac adnoddau digidol i gyflwyno themâu amrywiol ynghylch addysgeg a chyfleu gwyddoniaeth i'w paratoi ar gyfer eu prosiect ymchwil. Gofynnir i fyfyrwyr ddadansoddi canfyddiadau eu hymchwil yn feirniadol a llunio gweithgaredd/adnodd addysgu neu allgymorth. Bydd myfyrwyr yn mireinio eu sgiliau cyfathrebu llafar ac ysgrifenedig i lefel raddedig drwy roi cyflwyniad poster a llunio traethawd hir.
Science Communication
This module will encompass a range of communication modes, from presentation of science to the general public to critically analysing a scientific paper.
The module will be run as a series of online seminars to prepare, firstly, for
a short 3 minute thesis-like presentations to both a professional and non-professional audience.
This will be complemented by preparation of short, New Scientist-style articles by each student on the topic of their presentation. Students will be assigned a topic that is appropriate to their degree title.
In the latter half of the module, the focus will be on skills-training for writing a scientific paper, preparing the ground for their project dissertations.
Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences 1
This module has been designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and principle concepts of biomedical science from a scientific and practice basis. The module will cover key topic areas ranging from Good Laboratory Practice, Biomedical Diagnostics, Pathophysiology, the disciplines in Biomedical Science and the various approaches involved to ensure Quality Control and Laboratory Management.
Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences 2
This module has been designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and principle concepts of biomedical science from a scientific and practice basis. The module will cover the following key topics across the life span:
¿ Human Anatomy and Physiology
¿ Pharmacology and Toxicology
¿ Key principles of cell pathology, clinical biochemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical immunology, and clinical genetics
¿ Transfusion Science
¿ Quality Management
¿ Near-patient testing (NPT)/Point of Care Testing
Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences 1
This module has been designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and principle concepts of biomedical science from a scientific and practice basis. The module will cover the following key topics:
¿ Human Anatomy and Physiology
¿ Pharmacology and Toxicology
¿ Good laboratory practice and Sustainability
¿ Key principles of clinical biochemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical immunology, and clinical genetics
¿ Transfusion Science
¿ Quality Management
¿ Near-patient testing (NPT)/Point of Care Testing
Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences 2
This module has been designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and principle concepts of biomedical science from a scientific and practice basis. The module will cover the following key topics across the life span:
¿ Human Anatomy and Physiology ¿ across the life span
¿ Cellular biology from structure to pathology
¿ Good laboratory practice and Sustainability
¿ Key principles of cell pathology, clinical biochemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical immunology, clinical genetics and haematology
¿ Clinical Pathology
¿ Quality Management
Science Communication
This module will encompass a range of communication modes, from presentation of science to the general public to critically analysing a scientific paper.
The module will be run as a series of online seminars to prepare, firstly, for a short 3 minute thesis-like presentations to both a professional and non-professional audience.
This will be complemented by preparation of short, New Scientist-style articles by each student on the topic of their presentation. Students will be assigned a topic that is appropriate to their degree title.
In the latter half of the module, the focus will be on skills-training for writing a scientific paper, preparing the ground for their project dissertations.