Swansea University Midwifery Student wins Norah Isaac Memorial Prize

Cerian Fflur Colbourne, who is in her final year studying for a degree in Midwifery at Swansea University won this year's Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Norah Isaac Memorial Prize.

Cerian, originally from Llandysul, received the best result in the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol's Welsh Language Skills Certificate assessment. The award was presented during the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol's Annual Assembly in Bangor on 19 March.

This is the second time a Swansea University student has been awarded the Norah Isaac Memorial Prize, which recognizes Norah Isaac's pioneering contribution to Welsh education. The Language Skills Certificate offers a valuable opportunity for students in all fields of study to maintain and demonstrate evidence of their Welsh language skills, and their ability to work through the medium of Welsh.

Cerian said: “I am privileged to have won this year's Norah Isaac Memorial Award. The Language Skills Certificate was very useful in helping me practice and maintain my Welsh language skills and I would recommend anyone to go for it. ”  

Cerian Colbourne